Becoming a parent is an overwhelming yet incredible experience. Physical changes are met with anticipation and excitement. The moments are fleeting, yet time stands still. Sleepless nights roll into days and developmental leaps. They fall asleep, “At last,” you think, a moment to yourself. But now you miss them. You look through photos from the day they were born. It feels like yesterday and a lifetime ago.

pregnant mother holding baby breath flowers and hanging out a white bed sheet
Wicca baby basket in a crib with a bee cot mobile
pregnant mother turning around in circles in back garden

As a mum and a photographer, I love taking nostalgic photos that transport us to moments in time. Our bodies change so quickly during and after pregnancy when we’re running around after our little ones. As time passes, those early memories can fade. That’s why I always encourage soon-to-be and new parents to capture it all:


Maternity shoots are about celebrating the pregnant body, intimate moments, and family connections. My approach honours and respects everything from the challenges of pregnancy to the shifts in your relationship and the changes in your body.


Newborn shoots are about celebrating the precious early days of your new chapter. My approach is deeply sentimental and centred around your love language as a family. I always take time to get to know you before any shoot so I can tailor my prompts to suit your personality.

Flexible timings

All lifestyle shoots are 1-2 hours. This timeframe gives us flexibility for feeds, poo explosions, toddler meltdowns and everything in between. 

If you are interested in simple and nostalgic maternity and newborn photography, please get in touch for my availability. 

It’s a real privilege to capture these moments for you. 

Investment for maternity and newborn photography: One session £500

Two booked together (e.g. Maternity/newborn) £950